Tyler “Tex” Greider

Base Camp Store Manager

Hometown: Dallas
Time served with Venture: Coming up on my 7th year
Skier/Boarder: Skis, obviously
Favorite Mountain: Sölden, Austria
Favorite Run: Top to bottom: Lodgepole to lower Columbine to Lindsey’s To Pepi’s
Favorite Pizza: Village Bagel
Favorite Watering Hole: Slope Room in Gravity Haus
Where I learned to Ski: Golden Peak
How I ended up in the Valley: My wife and I moved here for her work
Which store do I work at and why: Base Camp, mainly. They were the only ones that would take a chance on a Texan that had never seen snow
Interesting facts: It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky. The brand name Spam is a combination of “spice” and “ham”
What kind of biking do I do: Mountain, road bikes are lame
Favorite Ride: Bowman’s Shortcut to Two Elk East
What bike I ride: Yeti SB130 Lunch Ride