My very first video blog is up! Follow this Gearing Up for Green Riders link to view it. I am using an app called FilmoraGo to create these shorts and am still in the learning stage. If anyone has any advice or ideas on what you’d like to see during my journey, please let me know. I’m doing these videos for YOU, so your feedback is appreciated.
One of the first things you’ll notice right away in this first video is how nervous I am! Not just about riding a fully loaded road bike down and back up the huge hill by my apartment, but also the whole talking at a camera thing. I’m still feeling out and trying to find my video flow for sure. They will get better. 😉
It’s been a busy June month. During the week of June 12th, I was co-facilitating a deep nature connection camp through Women’s Empowerment Workshop with teenage girls. It was a beautiful experience and I feel rejuvenated to continue what feels like a never-ending preparation process. Although 2 months on a bike seems daunting, I am constantly inspired by the amazing people in my life who are supporting me so intensely, feeding my drive with encouragement and cooperation. Whether you are near or far from me at this moment, your positive energy is contagious. I’m soaking up so many good vibes and I’m truly grateful. The terror is transforming into a fierce excitement!
During the last week of June, I’ll be moving out of my apartment for a sublet. My bike will get it’s final full tune up, new gears and chain, and I’ll be spending the rest of my time preparing homemade, high energy trail foods and checking, re-checking and re-re-checking my packs. I leave July 1st (CANADA DAY 🍁❤🎉) on a final epic road trip to Minnesota to meet up with the Green Riders!
Thank you again for following this adventure. Please share your sustainable summer happenings with me as well! I will be sending so much blood, sweat and tears in to the universe, so let me know when all that energy hits you!