I’ve grown up. I ski now.
Zach Cole
Name: Zach Cole
Home Town: San Fransisco, CA
Time Served with Venture: 8 years
Favorite Run: Royal Elk Glade, Beaver Creek
Skier/Boarder: I’ve grown up. I ski now.
Cycling – skinny or fat tires: Road, Mountain bike, and Gravel
Fun Fact: I’ve watched the sun rise ice climbing at 23,000 ft on Peru’s tallest peaks, shared sardines on El Cap with my two climbing partners who didn’t speak English, mountain biked through multiple lightening storms over 12 days while biking the Colorado Trail.
Venture Sports Avon and Vail Ski Shops are locally owned and operated and has been since 1991. We are not merely a link in a huge corporate chain. We do not answer to a bottom line of stock holders – instead, our customers’ total satisfaction is our bottom line.
Friends Don't Let Friends Ride Junk!
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3 weeks ago