Safe Driving Fair | Venture In Motion

Part of being in a small community is getting out and doing our part to make it a better place. Last Wednesday the Venture Sports Team joined Firefighters, State Patrol and various other public safety teams to help educate our youth. While they focused on safe driving we presented bike safety.

Students from Eagle Valley and Battle Mountain get opportunity to engage with local first responders, nonprofits and organizations

Over the past month, both Eagle Valley and Battle Mountain high schools hosted safe driving fairs. The fairs aimed at educating students about the importance of driving safely as well as on the perils of impaired and distracted driving. Battle Mountain hosted its fair on Wednesday, May 4, and Eagle Valley on Wednesday, April 5.


Educating our youth to be bike aware and also loving alternate modes of transportation are just a couple of the things our team discussed with the BMHS students. 

Our team performed bike safety checks and talked about how awesome it is to enjoy all of our roads and trails safely.

Fostering a love of bikes at a young age not only keeps us all safer on the roads and trails, but it also helps to develop important life skills such as balance, coordination, and independence.  As we look towards the upcoming summer and start planning activities, it is crucial to prioritize healthy options and consider biking as a fun and effective means of transportation.  Whether it’s a family bike ride, a solo adventure, or a group outing with friends, there are endless opportunities to explore and enjoy the outdoors on two wheels.  So grab your helmet, pump up those tires, and let’s ride!